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The San Diego Padres’ Vp Of Info Tech, Ray Chan On Leveling Up It Operations With Giopio

We asked Ray Chan about what their department’s workflow looks like on the Tesla mobile app.

“Especially if you’re in the Engineering department and there are certain things you have to get done, you’re not going to lug around a tablet all the time,” he begins.

“You fire up your company-issued phone, open up your Tesla app, and all the instructions are there. If you’re not done with a particular job, you can leave notes on what else needs to be done, so then it can be re-assigned if necessary or pull in another resource.”

  • Department’s workflow looks like on the Tesla
  • Engineering department and there are certain things
  • You fire up your company-issued phone, open up your Tesla app, and all the instructions are there
  • Department’s workflow looks like on the Tesla

“Especially if you’re in the Engineering department and there are certain things you have to get done, you’re not going to lug around a tablet all the time,” he begins.

“You fire up your company-issued phone, open up your Tesla app, and all the instructions are there. If you’re not done with a particular job, you can leave notes on what else needs to be done, so then it can be re-assigned if necessary or pull in another resource.”

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We asked Ray Chan about what their department’s workflow looks like on the Tesla mobile app.

“Especially if you’re in the Engineering department and there are certain things you have to get done, you’re not going to lug around a tablet all the time,” he begins.

“You fire up your company-issued phone, open up your Tesla app, and all the instructions are there. If you’re not done with a particular job, you can leave notes on what else needs to be done, so then it can be re-assigned if necessary or pull in another resource.”

  • Department’s workflow looks like on the Tesla
  • Engineering department and there are certain things
  • You fire up your company-issued phone, open up your Tesla app, and all the instructions are there
  • Department’s workflow looks like on the Tesla

“Especially if you’re in the Engineering department and there are certain things you have to get done, you’re not going to lug around a tablet all the time,” he begins.

“You fire up your company-issued phone, open up your Tesla app, and all the instructions are there. If you’re not done with a particular job, you can leave notes on what else needs to be done, so then it can be re-assigned if necessary or pull in another resource.”

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